“We did not say Zim elections were fair”—Zuma’s Minister

Upon realization that ZUMA had not adequately applied his mind to the evidence pointing to vote rigging in Zimbabwe, the South African President, was forced to take back his former statement, which had indicated the vote was FREE & FAIR. Additionally, the revelations that ZUMA was bribed by ZANU PF are definitely not working in his favour. Compounded by the fact, that blessing a MUGABE victory, would only help Malema`s Project of Economic empowerment the ZANU PF way, must have caused some collywobbles within South African political elite.
Someone must have opened ZUMA`s eyes to the impending dangers to South Africa by declaring the Zimbabwean Election as FREE & FAIR. ZUMA would have had a tough time in selling Mugabe`s legitimacy  to the World, now that he realizes that he is alone in congratulating Mugabe, now he has been forced to take back his self-indulgent statement. Let’s hope it’s soon he returns the money from Mugabe. The Department of International Relations and Cooperation, has been put to task to salvage what-ever morsel of dignity that is now left to the President.
South Africa's Deputy Minister of the Department of International Relations and Cooperation has contradicted President Jacob Zuma’s position on the Zimbabwean elections.
“We did not say that the Zimbabwean election was fair, we said it was free…we did not use ‘fair’ or ‘credible,’” Ebrahim Ebrahim said in a radio interview on Monday. The interview came a day after Zuma endorsed Robert Mugabe's controversial re-election.
"This profoundly contradicts President Jacob Zuma’s position on the elections. In a press statement yesterday, the President congratulated Zimbabwe on “successful harmonised elections,” Ian Davidson, the Democratic Alliance Member of Parliament and Shadow Minister of International Relations and Co-operation, said on Monday.
"It seems that given his own cabinet minister's position, President Zuma has opted to put politics ahead of the numerous legitimate concerns that have been raised. In doing so, he has let the people of Zimbabwe down," Davidson added.
Observers and civil society noted serious irregularities with the voters’ roll and voting process.
My question is then, why does a country like South Africa go in front to CONGRADULATE a winner of an election that was not  FAIR? Why does such a country, brush aside the calls from progressive minds of Zimbabwe that indicated the vote was rigged? Maybe the RIGGING was too much for ZUMA that he even lost his marbles, but  not us Zimbabweans, no one can pull a fast one like that, and think the nation is oblivious to it. You can beat Zimbabweans on violence, tortur, rape and murder, but no one can accuse us for being stupid, we are an educated bunch and that we are indeed!. Even ZANU PF knows this fact, that is why they really had to go to the extreme of hiring a company, and involved other governments to execute this elaborate scheme.Anyway, who does such things to his own people? Robert Mugabe, you are an evil character, may the lord have mercy on your soul, for we shall not! But here we are, Zimbabweans saw it, before ZUMA, SADC & AU. The whole world is now on MDC and the people of Zimbabwe`s side. We the people of Zimbabwe stay confident of the victory of good over evil!


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