Mr President Obama

I write this open letter, in order to shed some light on the illegal activities that are happening to my people in Harare, as we hold our elections. We, the people of Zimbabwe deserve a free and fair election, yet the grip of the dictator has proven insurmountable. It is the hope and dream of every Zimbabwean which today, has been compromised. This country will never be the same again! We the people of Zimbabwe have suffered untold hardships under the dictator Robert Mugabe, who has inflicted pain on my people with great relish! Yet he wants to prolong that time in order to cause more suffering to my people. We the people, look up to the USA, to speak out against these crimes being committed right as we speak. Votes are being inflated to give Mugabe an unjustified victory. Below is the statement from my Prime Minister, we hope and trust you will be able to help my people.

(Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai)
This election has been a huge farce. Its credibility has been marred by administrative and legal violations which affect the legitimacy of its outcome.
There are two critical issues
The election does not meet SADC Guidelines. It is a sham election that does not reflect the will of the people. 

  • Voters’ Roll
  • Thousands failed to register and were disenfranchised
  • Not delivered timorously as required by law
  • No proper inspection of the voters’ roll to verify Authenticity
  • Duplication of names on the voters roll
  • Unauthorized movement of voters from their wards (leading to almost 40% voters being turned away and disenfranchised)
  • Manipulation of voters’ choice - Voters forced to plead
  • illiteracy and resort to “assistance”.
  • Use of traditional leaders (chiefs and headmen) to intimidate voters.
  • Unauthorized voter migration - Voters bussed into
  • constituencies to vote e.g Harare South, Epworth
  • Unaccounted for voters especially in farming areas
  • Abuse of the facility to use Voter Registration Slips as proof of registration
  • Militarization of the electoral process – electoral processes under the effective control of security personnel
  • Lack of transparency in the printing of ballots
  • Non-compliance with section 51 of the Electoral Act.
  • Over-printing of ballots (more than 35%) and lack of accountability for ballots.
  • Lack of transparency and double-voting in the use of the Special Vote
  • Lack of transparency in the use of the Postal Voting system
Failure to implement SADC reforms

  • Media reform
  • Security sector
I have met with the chair of the AU observer mission, former Nigerian President Obasanjo, head of the SADC observer mission, Minister Mmembe and I have given a diplomatic briefing. The message we have given is that this is not a credible election. It does not reflect the will of the people of Zimbabwe. For the above reasons, the election has been heavily manipulated. In our view, the outcome of this election is illegitimate. But more importantly, the shoddy manner in which it has been conducted and the consequent illegitimacy of the result will plunge this country into a serious crisis. We therefore call for SADC and the AU audit teams to look into this process, in particular the voters roll, the ballots and the manner in which the whole process was conducted. In our view this election does not meet the SADC, AU and international standards for a credible, legitimate, free and fair election.

Thank you Sir!


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