The MDC formations should not give up now, this is actually the time to rise up from this state of shock and work-out a feasible way forward. Usually success is measured by how fast one is able to bounce back from difficulties, with vigor and enthusiasm. You have not lost the election; you were cheated out of victory, and it was not only YOU cheated,  The whole Nation was robbed. Remember, you still have the people`s mandate and the Nation now looks up to you for guidance! Show them you are still around and something will be done about the SHAM Elections. The electorate field was not even, the machinery put in place to rig was professional, which left the whole nation stunned. This is the time to give the people a new VISION, devise a workable MISSION, OBJECTIVES, STRATEGY and eventually TACTICS.   We should now look forward, but we should not forget that we should also fight this SHAM of an Election, yes let’s collect evidence and expose Mugabe and his criminals. Let’s prepare for next time, let’s make sure there will never be Vote Rigging again in Zimbabwe.

I would URGE the MDC-T to stay away from Mugabe`s courts as tempting as it might be. Another defeat in the courts would cement ZANU PF`s claims, that they won the elections now they have won in court. They will claim that we are a country with our own rules, regulations and courts. Denying a court verdict, will give ZANU PF a lot to fight with. Please concentrate on SADC, AU, UN, EU and USA only and leave the Zimbabwean courts alone! MDC should fight for the Elections to be contested again, but this time with Fraud-Proof Voting System. For the Zimbabwean People and the Zimbabwean Political Opposition, one feasible option which will depend on the amount and quality of evidence available is to insist on another General Election on or after April 2014, using the Fraud-Proof Voting System or a variation of it. This delay is necessary because of the logistics involved.

Alternatively, they must push massively with Britain, America, EU, Japan, Canada, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland, Netherlands, and UN in a Global Campaign to have Fraud Proof Voting implemented globally before 2018. Such adoption will greatly assist impoverished and oppressed people in many countries throughout the world. And it will furthermore protect Western so-called democracies against their Governments’ current tendencies towards fascism, which may even tempt future Western Sitting Governments to themselves indulge in election rigging.
Even if we are going to wait 5 years or 5 months, ZANU PF has just dug its own grave. The maximum life they have now is 5 years, what happens after five years, cheat again? Hell no!


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