Evidence of rigging
Youths bused in to Mount Pleasant
Another fraud technique appears to have been captured on video: footage allegedly shows busloads of youths arriving at a polling station at Mount Pleasant, in Harare. The footage shows the youths running off a bus, hiding their faces from the camera. The MDC-T Secretary General and MP for the constituency, Tendai Biti, found out about the new arrivals and headed down to the polling station. In the amateur footage, he can be heard exclaiming: “This is not on, this is blatant cheating”. When Biti asks a man, allegedly the bus driver, where the people are from he responds: “It’s not a secret, but we’re not allowed to say that”. In the window of the bus there is a sign for Honde Valley, suggesting the bus came from the border area between Zimbabwe and Mozambique, over 300km from Harare. (France 24)

Illiterate voters ‘helped’
Three Zimbabwean election observers told France 24 they saw hundreds of voters from rural areas claim they did not how to vote because they were illiterate, while policemen and polling officials came across especially keen to give them a hand.
Dead voters
1 million dead voters, 350 000 people over 85 years old, 109 000 over one hundred years old.

Duplicate names
838 000 duplicate names: same name, same address, same date of birth, different ID numbers.
Candidate gets zero votes in Zvimba North
How does a candidate get zero votes, as in Zvimba North, where 13,877 votes were cast? Surely a candidate would have voted for herself, and surely one or two of those who nominated her would also have voted for her?

ZPF non resident wins in Chegutu
The situation is tense in Mashwest, particularly Chegutu, where a ZPF non resident candidate has won. The ZPF activists in this town are themselves still wondering how their party rep won, when all the odds were tilted against them. They (ZPF supporters) have stopped wearing their party regalia here, as they do not want people to call them names, as they feel ashamed by the actions of their party and leadership.
Militia recruits in Matobo
Jobless young men were recruited into militias from Matobo just before the elections. This was one of the strategies.

Multiple votes in Mutare
From Roy Bennett: Friends, I received this message from an anonymous source:
“I was talking to someone who stays in Rural area of Zimbabwe he told me that he was paid money and Forced to vote in many polling stations in Mutare Town. He voted Seven times one day. He told me that they were given 10-20 ballot vote papers per person which were already voted for ZANU PF already. What they do is to produce receipt and get ballot paper when he is on the box he mix those papers which he brings and the one he get there and cast 11-21 Votes at a time. Then multiply by the number of people in the bus 60×11 or 21 votes per bus. All police were aware of what was going on and what will going on, but they give blind side. Think of it when a person Vote 7 times then 7 X 10-20 votes per person. This is very very ridiculous.”
Voters double in 5 years in Mount Pleasant
Mt Pleasant constituency results: 2008… 6,000 voted….. 2013….. 12,000 voted………..2008……. 1,700 ZPF………2013……….. 7,900 ZPF. Where did these people come from?


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