Fellow Zimbabweans, brothers and Sisters, the Prime Minister needs you right now, MORE  than any other time before. I pledge my allegiance to our Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai. And I appeal to you all to rally behind him and together we can show the dictator, his wife and his good for nothing children, that their days are now numbered. We shall not be held at ransom by a bunch of misfits and malcontents, who have worked night and day to destroy this nation which belongs to you and me. As Zimbabweans we deserve better and MDC-T is willing and able to deliver a better Zimbabwe and a brighter future, therefore, will endorse the Prime Minister in the Presidential Elections.
Every activity of our Cities is sensitive to every evil and every favorable tide that sweeps this great nation of ours. Be there a slackening of industry in any place it affects Harare far more than any other part of the country. In fact, these cities are the reflex of the varied interests of our country that the concern of every one of our citizens for national stability, for national prosperity, for national progress, for preservation of our Zimbabwean system, is far greater than that of any other single part of our country.

We still have great problems if we would achieve the full economic advancement of our country.  To the agricultural industry we shall need to advance initial capital to assist them to stabilize their industry. But this proposal implies that they shall conduct it themselves, and not by the Government. It is in the interest of our cities that we shall bring agriculture and all industries into full stability and prosperity.

I would like to restate some of the fundamental things; I have endeavored to bring out. The foundations of progress and prosperity are dependent as ever before upon the wise policies of government, for government now touches at a thousand points the intricate web of economic and social life. Prosperity is no idle expression. It is a job for every worker; it is the safety and the safeguard of every business and every home. I have dwelt at some length on the principles of relationship between the Government and business. I make no apologies for dealing with this subject. The first necessity of any nation is the smooth functioning of the vast business machinery for employment, feeding, clothing, housing and providing luxuries and comfort to a people. Unless these basic elements are properly organized and function, there can be no progress in business, in education, literature, music or art. There can be no advance in the fundamental ideals of a people. A people cannot make progress in poverty.
I have endeavored to present to you that the greatness of Zimbabwe will come out of a political and social system and a method of control of economic forces distinctly its own our Zimbabwean system which will carry this great experiment in human welfare further than ever before in our history. We will come closer to the ideal of the abolition of poverty and fear from the lives of men and women than ever before in any land. And I again repeat that the departure from our Zimbabwean system by injecting principles destructive to it which our opponents propose will jeopardize the very liberty and freedom of our people, will destroy equality of opportunity, not alone to ourselves but to our children.
To me the foundation of Zimbabwean life rests upon the home and the family. I read into these great economic forces, these intricate and delicate relations of the Government with business and with our political and social life, but one supreme end that, we will reinforce the ties that bind together the millions of our families, that we strengthen the security, the happiness and the independence of every home.
My conception of Zimbabwe is a land where men and women may walk in ordered freedom in the independent conduct of their occupations; where they may enjoy the advantages of wealth, not concentrated in the hands of the few but spread through the lives of all, where they build and safeguard their homes and give to their children the fullest advantages and opportunities of the Zimbabwean life; where every man shall be respected in the faith that his conscience and his heart direct him to follow; where a contented and happy people, secure in their liberties, free from poverty and fear, shall have the leisure and impulse to seek a fuller life.
This all leads to a release of the energies of men and women from the dull hardships of life to a wider vision and a higher hope. It leads to the opportunity for greater and greater service, not alone from man to man in our own land, but from our country to the whole Africa. It leads to a Zimbabwe, healthy in body, healthy in spirit, unfettered, youthful, eager, with a vision searching beyond the furthest horizons, with an open mind sympathetic and generous. It is to those higher ideals and for these purposes that I pledge myself.
Thank you.


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