DENMARK has announced it will start providing aid to Zimbabwe after the country adopted a new constitution with elections for a substantive government expected later this year. The country’s Foreign Minister Villy Søvndal described last month’s referendum on a new Constitution “as an essential step towards legitimate elections in the near future”. This is just a simple Dane with delusions of eloquence. If he had done his home work he will know that people in Zimbabwe are being tortured, murdered and imprisoned. Søvndal should have realized that Zimbabweans are not that stupid, not to realize that Søvndal is simply positioning his country for the eventuality that MUGABE wins the next elections, then Denmark will be in a position to conduct business in Zimbabwe with Mugabe. It is common knowledge that Denmark needs raw materials and other minerals, which Zimbabwe has a lot of. Mr Søvndal, we are aware of the fact that one country`s misfortune is another country`s fortune.

Denmark is a country that claims to be democratic and fair, yet when it comes to making money, Denmark is willing to ignore torture, racism, murder, arrests and imprisonment without trial. The people of Zimbabwe have been denied freedom of speech, assembly and the basic right to choose whom they want as a leader for a long time, yet Denmark thinks things are good in Zimbabwe. Danmark is trying to make a mark for itself on international politics. DANIDA does that name rings a bell in your thick head? DANIDA donated millions of money in the 80s and 90s to ZANU PF, that was the same money that was used for Gukurahundi, 20 000 people were killed and thanks to the money from Denmark.

“With a history plagued by political unrest, it is extremely positive that Zimbabwe looks to take a giant step in the direction of more democracy and greater respect for human rights,” Søvndal said in a press release.“Even though the country won’t transform into a blossoming democracy overnight, the constitution will prevent a repeat of 33 years with the same president.” He said Danish aid would initially be conveyed through a six-month period project that is expected to help strengthen the justice system in two local areas. In addition to the six-month project, Denmark has also pledged to spend about US$35 million a year until 2015 to promote democracy as well as poverty reduction and economic growth. The country’s Secretary for Development Policy, Ib Peterson, also met Foreign Affairs Minister Simbarashe Mumbengegwi in Harare on Wednesday where they discussed funding for the elections. The government concedes it is struggling to raise more than US$100 million needed to fund the key vote and has since appealed for international support.

 “Of Course we will take into consideration any request that would come from government to support elections,” the envoy said in an interview. “We are convinced that these elections are very important for the country and we will try to avoid anything that will not function well for lack of funds.” Zimbabwe has since rejected an offer for assistance from the United States after the Obama administration demanded the lifting of a ban on Western observers. Last month Mumbengegwi said countries that maintain sanctions against Zimbabwe would not be allowed to monitor the elections although the coalition government appears divided over the issue. The EU and the US imposed sanctions against Zimbabwe more than a decade ago over allegations of rights abuses and electoral fraud. The elections, whose timing remains in dispute will choose a substantive administration, replacing the fractious coalition between Mugabe and bitter rival and current Prime Minister, Morgan Tsvangirai.


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