Buoyed by the 'Africa rising' narrative, nationalism is on the rise across the continent, and Zimbabwe is no exception. In recent elections in Zambia and Kenya, the victors – Michael Sata and Uhuru Kenyatta – ran sustained anti–western campaigns that drew the support of the young and educated. If the opposition wants to succeed, they might as well embrace nationalism and adopt a position where they argue that they are the best guarantor of the independence legacy that has been betrayed by Zanu-PF. In other words, this time around Tsvangirai might need to wage a more populist, more aggressive campaign that might even be reminiscent of Mugabe's tone (though moderated). Tsvangirai should also attempt to convince some of Mugabe's softer supporters that he can secure the gains of the current regime, such as land reform. This will put Zanu-PF in a defensive mode, and deprive them of ammunition to attack Tsvangirai as a neo–imperialist agent. The trouble with adopting such a strategy is that it needs time, and there is precious little of that if elections are indeed to be held by the 31 July.
Another pillar of the opposition
efforts should be undermining Zanu-PF party unity. Currently, the aging
president skilfully manages a brittle internal balance of power between various
factions. But maintaining such a balance is extremely difficult and a great
deal of it is done via patronage politics. Undermining elite cohesion by
bringing key individuals into the fold of the opposition is likely to achieve
two objectives. This tactic not only brings with it patronage networks, but
also the former stalwart's votes, and experience. Second, and at a
psychological level, drawing party stalwarts counters the narrative that
Zanu-PF's unity is invincible.
Form a
coalition of the opposition
One realistic campaign strategy
remains: a coalition of opposition forces. The main opposition party (MDC-T)
continues to be adamant that it will win on its own. Tsvangirai's party seems
oblivious to a mountain of complex of problems it faces; a dwindling support
base, unequal level playing field, circumscribed regional and international
support, a surge in Zanu-PF popularity and also a crowded opposition space with
reportedly 28 eight candidates vying for the presidency. MDC-T needs to be
realistic and understand that joining a coalition is crucial. It is crucial
that the MDC-T doesn't try to go it along. The opposition has failed in the
previous elections despite odds being slightly better than today. In fact, no
single political party has successfully challenged Zanu-PF's stranglehold on
Zimbabwean politics since independence. A coalition would not only change the
fundamentals of Zimbabwean opposition, but also the very terms in which the
Zimbabweans think about and define national politics. So the best way of
topping Mugabe is for the opposition to combine its efforts, resources and
Choose your
partners carefully
The MDC-T, despite its faults in
coalition government, remains the anchor of the opposition and should therefore
take a lead in any negotiations. Building a strong coalition should be limited
to the MDC-N (led by Welshman Ncube) to back Tsvangirai as the presidential
candidate. Ncube is a polarising figure and is perceived as being vocal on
behalf of the voters from Matabeleland and the Midlands regions. But it is
precisely because of this quality that he is in a unique position to mobilise
votes from these two regions. Drawing Simba Makoni (Mavambo/Kusile/Dawn) and
Dumiso Dabengwa (Zapu-PF) into an alliance might be problematic. Politically
both men were creations of Zanu-PF and still benefit materially from ancient
Zanu-PF patronage networks. It is not unreasonable that some see Dabengwa and
Makoni's political parties as proxies created by Zanu-PF to disrupt the
strength of the opposition. The differences between the MDC-T and MDC-N leaders
are fundamental. Ncube accuses Tsvangirai of being weak on democratic and
leadership credentials, while the Tsvangirai accuses Ncube of being provincial.
Each sees himself as best suited to be president.
Be Generous
To create an environment for
constructive dialogue, relations between Tsvangirai and Ncube need to be reset.
Tsvangirai must desist from making statements that risk pushing Ncube's party
further away. It is important to remember that Ncube is one of the architects
and ideologues of the original MDC. Instead of ridiculing him, Tsvangirai
should acknowledge his contribution and treat him as a friend who must be
embraced. He also needs to acknowledge Ncube's growing influence and support in
the Matabeleland and Midland regions. In extending an olive branch, MDC-T must
attempt to address some of Ncube's legitimate grievances. Ncube remains
convinced that Tsvangirai and his inner circle worked to block his ascent to
the top of the party. Ncube also alleges that MDC-T has deliberately undermined
his party by labelling it as "tribal" or provincial.
Whilst the
above are manageable problems, more difficult is the discussion of who is going
to be offered what as part of the strategic partnership. The main MDC must be
seen to be generous in what it offers. Ncube's party will seek assurances on
key positions in return for backing the coalition, as they cannot be expected
to relinquish their independence without getting tangible offers in return.
Equally, the MDC-N leader will need to display humility and self discipline. Despite
their differences, a coalition of the opposition is a possible and viable
strategy. The two parties have a convergent interest of getting rid of Mugabe.
We also have to remind ourselves that in the 2008 presidential elections Ncube
urged his supporters to vote for Simba Makoni. Such an unprecedented overture
shows his pragmatic side and that he is open to negotiations.
Don't falter.
Not forming a coalition is not an option
Failure to form a united opposition is
a prescription for defeat. The MDC-T is trailing Zanu-PF in polls, and no one
who is seriously concerned with political and electoral strategies can afford
to ignore these, no matter how flawed or old they are. Not only do the polls
show that Zanu-PF support has surged, but most importantly the party may use
these numbers to justify a rigged electoral "win". Poor shows at
rallies, an unequal level playing field and circumscribed regional and
international support also counts against the MDC-T. Politics needs ideals and
policies, but most crucially a sense of direction. Zanu-PF is corrupt, ruthless
and violent, but nobody can accuse Mugabe's party of being directionless. They
alone seem to know how to get what they want in the next elections and they may
well be rewarded for that. Their adversaries should be wise enough to draw
together and substitute competition for political union. A coalition coupled
with an effective campaign strategy offers the best chance.