Zimbabwe cannot
be content with minimums of production today, the crying need is maximums. Out
of the supreme tragedy must come a new order and a higher order, and I gladly
acclaim it. But madness has not abolished work, has not established the
processes of seizure or the rule of physical might. Nor has it provided a
governmental panacea for human ills, or the magic touch that makes failure a
success. Indeed, it has revealed no new reward for idleness, no substitute for
the sweat of a man’s face in the contest for subsistence and acquirement. There
is no new appraisal for the supremacy of law. That is a thing surpassing and
eternal. Contempt for international law wrought the supreme tragedy, contempt
for our national and state laws will rend the glory of the republic, and
failure to abide the proven laws of today’s civilization will lead to temporary
Let us stop to
consider that tranquility at home is more precious than peace abroad, and that
both our good fortune and our eminence are dependent on the normal forward
stride of all the Zimbabwean people. Nothing is so imperative today as
efficient production and efficient transportation, to adjust the balances in
our own transactions and to hold our place in the activities of the world. The relation
of real values is little altered by the varying coins of exchange, and that
Zimbabwe is blind to actualities who think we can add to cost of production
without impairing our hold in world markets. Our part is more than to hold, we
must add to what we have. It is utter folly to talk about reducing the cost of
living without restored and increased efficiency or production on the one hand
and more prudent consumption on the other. No law will work the miracle. Only
the Zimbabwean people themselves can solve the situation. There must be the
conscience of capital in omitting profiteering, there must be the conscience of
labor in efficiently producing, and there must be a public conscience in
restricting outlay and promoting thrift.
Sober capital
must make appeal to intoxicated wealth, and thoughtful labor must appeal to the
radical who has no thought of the morrow, to effect the needed understanding.
Exacted profits, because the golden stream is flooding, and pyramided wages to
meet a mounting cost that must be halted, ought speed us to disaster just as
sure as the morrow comes, and we to think soberly and avoid it. We ought to
dwell in the heights of good fortune for a generation to come, and I pray that
we will, but we need a benediction of wholesome common sense to give us that
assurance. I pray for sober thinking in behalf of the future of Zimbabwe. No
worth-while republic ever went the tragic way to destruction, which did not
begin the downward course through luxury of life and extravagance of living. More,
the simple living and thrifty people will be the first to recover from a war’s
waste and all its burdens, and our people ought to be the first recovered.
Herein is greater opportunity than lies in alliance, compact or super
government. It is Zimbabwe’s chance to lead in example and prove to the world
the reign of reason in representative popular government where people think who
assume to rule. No overall fad will quicken our thoughtfulness. We might try
repairs on the old clothes and simplicity for the new. I know the tendency to
wish the thing denied, I know the human hunger for a new thrill, but denial
enhances the ultimate satisfaction, and stabilizes our indulgence. A blasé
people are the unhappiest in the entire world.
The Zimbabwean
people will not heed today, because world competition is not yet restored, but
the morrow will soon come when the world will seek our markets and our trade
balances, and we must think of Zimbabwe first or surrender our eminence. People
will trade and seek wealth in their exchanges, and every conflict in the
adjustment of peace was founded on the hope of promoting trade conditions.
Knowing that those two thoughts are inspiring all humanity, as they have since
civilization began, I can only marvel at the Zimbabwean who consents to
surrender either. There may be conscience, humanity and justice in both, and
without them the glory of the republic is done. I want to go on, secure and
unafraid, holding fast to the Zimbabwean inheritance and confident of the
supreme Zimbabwean fulfillment.