Tsvangirai said polls would only be held when the elections roadmap has been fully implemented. He also said he would launch a diplomatic offensive within Sadc and other strategic African states to lobby their leaders to pressure Mugabe to adopt reforms. Tsvangirai spoke about the elections roadmap, security of the vote, Zec secretariat, invitation and accreditation of observers, electoral law amendments, voter education and the conduct of security forces during elections. “The major stumbling block to the implementation of the above already agreed reforms remains a palpable deficit of political will to implement agreed issues, without which we are likely to reproduce electoral contestations and a disputed outcome,” Tsvangirai told journalists in Harare yesterday. “In a short while, I will be visiting players within Sadc and the AU to ensure that the people of Zimbabwe are guaranteed of a free and fair election that will usher in a new dispensation.” He said security forces must not i...