There isn’t anything the matter with EU and USA except that Mugabe is viewing it through a vision impaired by self-preservation. Poise has been disturbed and nerves have been racked, and fever has rendered men irrational; sometimes there have been draughts upon the dangerous cup of barbarity and men have wandered far from safe paths. In the New Zimbabwe, we will feel the reflex, rather than the hurting wound, but we will still think straight, and we mean to act straight, and mean to hold firmly to all that was ours when madness involved us, and seek the higher attainments which are the only compensations that so supreme a tragedy may give mankind. Zimbabwe’s present need is not heroics, but healing; not nostrums, but normalcy; not revolution, but restoration; not agitation, but adjustment; not surgery, but serenity; not the dramatic, but the dispassionate; not experiment, but equipoise; not submergence in internationality, but sustainment in triumphant nationality. It is one thing ...